Michael Lubker Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Lubker)


(1 - 4 von 14

IGDA director's board candidates publish statements |...

Obsidian, Sledgehammer CEOs and Tencent Boston VP all up for election

The Worth of Ideas

I've been researching Kickstarter as a way to fund some of my game projects, and I've noticed a few interesting things. A lot of the projects on Kickstarter do

Purify Puzzle | GamesIndustry.biz

Arcade puzzler gets worldwide release.

Is there a 1% in Indie Game Development? Is it time to #occupygamedev

In the struggle to revolutionize the game industry, indies have unfortunately succumbed to having a 1% which is highly successful. This is a call to action and
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Michael Lubker
Vorname "Michael" (149265)
Name "Lubker" (10)
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