Michael Nunez Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Nunez)


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Bericht: Facebook soll Trending Topics manipuliert haben. | turi2

Filterbook? Das US-Portal Gizmodo.com wirft Facebook vor, mit seinen Algorithmen Politik zu machen und seine Trending Topics zu manipulieren. Autor Michael Nunez beruft sich auf Facebook-Aussteiger, die berichten, wie Artikel ...

Pueblo coroner identifies 21-year-old man who died in accidental,...

Pueblo coroner identifies 21-year-old man who died in accidental, self-inflicted shooting at Pueblo motel. David Michael Nunez died from a ...

Homeless man dies on Sacramento City Hall grounds during stormy night...

A homeless man was found dead Wednesday, January 18, 2017, by other people sleeping outside City Hall.

Guardian: If Facebook hides conservative news, a Senate inquiry is a bad idea |...

The Senate commerce committee’s inquiry into Facebook’s editorial decisions is a threat to their first amendment rights
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Michael Nunez
Person "Nunez" (1)
Vorname "Michael" (149265)
Name "Nunez" (2310)
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