Michael Schulenburg Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Schulenburg)


(1 - 4 von 38

Spiegel.de: »Die haben immer eine Meinung« - DER SPIEGEL

Der Ost-Berliner Michael Schulenburg, 26, Jurastudent an der Humboldt-Universität, über seine West-Kommilitonen: Neulich, in der Mensa, saßen zwei Mitstudenten...

Iran issues new, lower earthquake death toll - May 13, 1997

— United Nations Resident Coordinator for Iran Michael Schulenburg told CNN it will take at least a week for all the dead to be registered. › WORLD › i... › iran.quake

UN Drugs Chief Fends off Frontal Attack from Former Colleague | Al...

The UN\'s under secretary general responsible for waging war on drugs, Pino Arlacchi, swept aside Saturday allegations of gross mismanagement by a sen

Africa | S Leone police seize drugs plane - BBC NEWSnews.bbc.co.uk › africa

· Michael Schulenburg, the head of the United Nations mission in Sierra Leone, said it was a very big seizure. "It's drawn attention to the ...
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