Mihnea Moldoveanu und Business Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mihnea Moldoveanu)
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Book examines the future of executive developEurekAlert!

— Mihnea Moldoveanu of the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management and Prof. Das Narayandas of Harvard Business School, the book ...

Management theory: The thinker - Canadian Business

Meet intellectual engineer Mihnea Moldoveanu, the secret weapon behind Rotman’s Integrative Thinking program. Some call him an enigma, others, fondly, “crazy...

Net Worth | The New Yorker

... is no longer capital versus labor but, in the words of the business professors Roger L. Martin and Mihnea Moldoveanu, capital versus talent.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Mihnea Moldoveanu
Luciana Ene
Vorname "Mihnea" (30)
Name "Moldoveanu" (61)