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Multiple Sklerose: Cholesterin-Kristalle verhindern Reparatur im...

Einer der Gründe dafür sind vermutlich chronische Entzündungen, die an den beschädigten Stellen entstehen. Das Team um Mikael Simons, Professor für Molekulare Neurobiologie an der TUM, hat herausgefunden, dass nach der Zerstörung der Myelinscheide kristallines Cholesterin – ähnlich wie bei der ...

Mikael Simons | EuropaWire.eu

Tagged central nervous system, Cholesterol crystals, chronic inflammation, Mikael Simons, multiple sclerosis, Technical University of Munich (TUM), trigger ...

Multiple sclerosis: Cholesterol crystals prevent regeneration in the...

· Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, in which the immune cells attack the insulating myelin sheath surrounding nerve fibers. The regeneration of A. Eckert / TUM Together with his team Prof. Mikael Simons ...

How the virus enters the cell | myScience / news / news 2020

Mikael Simons is for Molecular Neurobiology at TUM. Image: A. Eckert / TUM. Coronavirus: Neuropilin-1 could open the door to the inside of the cell. The protein ...