Mike Amesbury und Vale Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mike Amesbury)
(1 - 27 von 45

Election results 2017: Labour gains Weaver Vale, Warrington South and...

Labour's Mike Amesbury, Faisal Rashid and Laura Smith gained seats from the Conservatives.

Guardian: How did your MP vote on the Owen Paterson case? - The Guardianwww.theguardian.com › ng-interactive › nov › how...

vor 5 Tagen · Mike Amesbury. Weaver Vale. Agst. No. Lab. Fleur Anderson. Putney. Agst. No. Con. Lee Anderson. Ashfield. For. No. Con. Stuart Anderson.

MP Mike Amesbury visit - Sir John Deane's Sixth Form Collegewww.sjd.ac.uk › news › mp-mike-amesbury-visit

Northwich MP Mike Amesbury paid a welcome visit to Sir John Deane's Sixth Form College on Friday 8th October. The MP for Weaver Vale met with Principal ...
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Vorname "Mike" (32380)
Name "Amesbury" (2)