Mike Bennett und R-Bradenton Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mike Bennett)
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Wallace: Democrats go after Buchanan on Medicare vote

[Sarasota Herald-Tribune] - Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton, is leaving no doubt about his plans to run for Congress in Bennett said when the Florida Legislature adjourns on May 6, he will file to run for the 11th Congressional District, which is currently held by US Rep.

Senator derails dump proposal

[Tampabay.com] - Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton. That process is typical for sponsors who want to make minor tweaks to their legislation as it moves through committees. One problem: Bennett did not request the provision and later agreed to remove it.

Google News: Growth management fix signed

[Gulf Coast Business Review] - Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton, after several local governments and associations representing cities, counties and school districts challenged it. HB eases — but does not eliminate — state requirements for developers to pay for new infrastructure

Pasco-Hernando landowner Evans Properties would benefit from development bill

[Tampabay.com] - Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton, who is pushing sweeping growth management legislation. Bennett confirmed Thursday that he agreed to add the language to his bill in March after hearing from Evans but said it could apply to other landowners and fits in with