Mike Haynes und Avalanche Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mike Haynes)
(1 - 17 von 20

Dusty Saunders: Altitude announcer Mike Haynes remains upbeat about...

Mike Haynes can easily play the numbers game when it comes to Avalanche coverage. For example, the Altitude play-by-play announcer can ...

Mike Haynes resigns as Altitude Sports’ Avalanche broadcaster,...

Longtime Colorado Avalanche broadcaster Mike Haynes has resigned from Altitude Sports, according to BSN Denver.

Norm Jones' biggest problem as Avalanche radio voice: Following Mike...

Norm Jones, who's handled radio play-by-play chores for the Colorado Avalanche in recent years, has been bumped from this role in an apparent cost-cutting...

Mike Haynes: Avs broadcaster shares thoughts and memories of the NHL...

Mike Haynes: I have broadcast 1,360 Avalanche games, including 386 on television. I am now the longest tenured play-by-play announcer in ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Mike Haynes
John Marshall
Vorname "Mike" (32380)
Name "Haynes" (867)