Mike Kelly Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mike Kelly)


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White GOP congressman says he isn't offended by racist Trump tweets...

U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA) speaking at the Turning Point High ... "With a name like Mike Kelly, you can't be from any place else but ...

How Mike Kelly made it: Silvertung talked me out of giving in to...

Mike Kelly was born and raised in London, with Irish parents, until the age of 10, when the family moved to Kilkenny. “It was a hell of a shock to come from...

House panel probing U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly for possible ethics violation

AP · Mike Kelly for another 45 days, it announced Tuesday. Though the committee has not revealed the nature of the investigation, the Pittsburgh ...

Rep. Mike Kelly | Time

Read the latest stories by Rep. Mike Kelly on Time
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