Mike McCormick Person-Info 

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Rogue Iron Ore Shareholders Approve Gold Spin-Out Transaction

Contacts: Rogue Iron Ore Corp. Mike McCormick. Corporate Communications (604) Keywords (optional): rogue-iron-ore-corp,

Mike McCormick, first Giant to win the Cy Young, dies at 81www.mercurynews.com › › mike-mcco...

· Mike McCormick returned to Giants in after four seasons in the American League, That year he won 22 games and the Cy Young Award.

Mike McCormick, former San Francisco Giants pitcher, dies ...www.sacbee.com › article

Mike McCormick, who in became the first San Francisco Giants pitcher to win the Cy Young Award, died Saturday, June 13, 2020, ...

Mike McCormick, first Giants pitcher to win Cy Young Award, dies at...

Longtime San Francisco Giants pitcher Mike McCormick, who was the first player in franchise history to win the Cy Young Award, has died. He was 81.
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