Mike Steinborn Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mike Steinborn)


GUESTS & VISITING ROTARIANS | Rotary Club of Kenosha

Heather Bieniarz, guest of Katie Oatsvall. Mike Steinborn, guest of Rita Hagen. Connor Kern, guest of Howard Moon. Matt Champeau, guest of Howard Moon.

Overcrowded student houses in Kitchener neighbourhood could ...kitchener.ctvnews.ca › overcrowded-student-houses-...

· Real estate agent Mike Steinborn says he has a hard time finding housing for large groups of students. “With a group of two, sometimes three, ...

Overcrowded student houses in Kitchener neighbourhood could pose...

Residents of Kitchener’s Lower Doon neighbourhood are raising concerns about single family homes they say are turning into overcrowded student housing.
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