Mike Swain Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mike Swain)


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The Mirror

Mike Swain is the Science and Environment Editor of the Daily Mirror covering everything in the science world from planets far away to the wonders of the ...


Mike Swain MBE. 4 December Rifleman Michael Swain is the only British Service man to have undergone a cutting-edge ...

Packaging Insights

— Mike Swain, managing director of Pack IDS. “There was a gap, an area where the aspiration could be molded into tools, guidelines and approaches ...

Mike Swain on LinkedIn: News ArticleLinkedIn · Mike Swain6 Reaktionen · vor 1 Jahr

Mike Swain's Post ... Unsure about your how to design, specify or select packaging fit for the Circular Economy today and in the future, this is ... Mike Swain's Post ... Unsure about your how to design, specify or select packaging fit for the Circular Economy today and in the future, this is ...
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