Mikhail Zoshchenko und Nervous Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mikhail Zoshchenko)
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Kamensky-Uralsky, Russia - José Luís Nietowww.joseluisnieto.com › event › k...

Mikhail Druskin remembers that even as a young man the composer was “fragile and nervously agile”. Yuri Lyubimov comments, “The fact that he was more vulnerable and ... His favourite football club was Zenit Leningrad, which he would watch ... fond of satirical writers such as Gogol, Chekhov and Mikhail Zoshchenko.

Story of an Illness - The Bafflerthebaffler.com › stories › story-illness

A dying woman is taking her last bath, and he makes a face Mikhail Zoshchenko was a Russian writer. His books include Nervous People and Other Satires.
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