Milan Knezevic und Montenegro Person-Info 

( Ich bin Milan Knezevic)
(1 - 19 von 23

Montenegro jails 'Russian coup plot' leaders - BBC News
The opposition leaders jailed on Thursday are Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevic - MPs in the Democratic Front Alliance. The other ...

NZZ: Montenegro: Urteile im Prozess wegen Putschversuchs

Nach 19-monatiger Gerichtsverhandlung wird eine Gruppe angeblicher Putschisten aus Russland, Serbien und Montenegro zu Haftstrafen verurteilt. Aber viele...

Milan Knezevic - today's latest news and major events - Sputnik...
Read today's latest news on the topic Milan Knezevic: Montenegro's Russia Meddling Claims Aim to Cover Economic Woes - Opposition, Montenegro Seeks to Arrest...

US, Montenegro plot cyber warfare ahead of elections
After Montenegro was targeted by Russia-linked hackers and following a Moscow-backed coup attempt in 2016, the U.S. military dispatched their cyber experts to...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Milan Knezevic
Person "Knezevic" (1)
Vorname "Milan" (2445)
Name "Knezevic" (482)