Moaz Ahmed Person-Info 

( Ich bin Moaz Ahmed)


(1 - 4 von 11

Treatment of hepatitis patients: Punjab government to purchase...
The Punjab government will immediately purchase Peginterferon injections worth Rs 180 million and new medicine SOFOSBUVIR tablets with a sum of Rs 420 million

Women applaud parental leave law in Abu Dhabi - News | Khaleej Times
The new human resources law - which was issued on Wednesday by the President, His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan - also gives new mothers the...

Cleanliness Day on 7th
LAHORE - The government departments will take anti-dengue steps on war-footing basis and performance report will be sent to the chief minister on daily basis....

Anti-dengue mosquito alert: Cleanliness Day on Sunday throughout the...
City governments told to speed up efforts to clean up mosquito ‘hot spots’.
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