Modern Day Person-Info 

( Ich bin Modern Day)


(1 - 4 von 22
) Modern Day Flintstones: A Stone Age Subculture Takes Shape in the US...

A modern-day Stone Age subculture is developing in the United States, where wannabe cavemen mimic their distant ancestors. They eat lots of meat, bathe in icy... How East Germany Influences Modern-Day German Politics - SPIEGEL...

East Germany ceased to exist following the revolution and the fall of the Berlin Wall. But did the former communist country help shape today's Germany?... Biogas Subsidies in Germany Lead to Modern-Day Land Grab - DER SPIEGEL

Creating energy from corn once seemed like a revolutionary idea in Germany. But subsidies for the biogas industry have led to entire regions of the country...

How to Be a Modern Day Treasure Hunter | Personal Finance | US News
How to Be a Modern Day Treasure Hunter. Careful: You can easily spend a fortune trying to find a fortune. Compass and old treasure map.
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