Mohamed El-Barraki und Pimco Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohamed El-Barraki)
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Überraschender Führungswechsel bei Pimco: Mohamed El-Erian zieht sich...
Das Gesicht von Mohamed El-Erian kennt in der internationalen Finanzwelt jeder, er ist das Aushängeschild des Anleihefonds Pimco. Als Chef bewegt er... Stress Tests in Europe: Interview with Mohamed El-Erian - DER SPIEGEL

On Sunday, Europe will release the results of its banking stress tests. In an interview, former PIMCO head Mohamed El-Erian speaks with SPIEGEL about what to...

Mohamed El-Erian resigns from Pimco, to stay on at Allianz | Reuters
Mohamed El-Erian, heir apparent to Pimco co-founder Bill Gross, will step down as chief executive and co-chief investment officer, raising questions about the...

Mohamed El-Erian reveals daughter's talk led to PIMCO exit | The...
While at the top of world finance, Mohamed El-Erian juggled £1.2trn of investments and wrestled with the knottiest economic problems. But it has now emerged...