Mohamed Sawan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohamed Sawan)


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Taz: Machtübergabe in Libyen: Neustart in eine ungewisse Zukunft -

Kommende Woche löst das neue Parlament den Übergangsrat ab. Viele Libyer hoffen damit auf die ersten wirklichen Schritte in Richtung Demokratie.

Mohamed Sawan | Al Bawaba
Mohamed Sawan latest. July 8th, :39 GMT. Liberals claim lead in Libya election. The coalition which brings together over 40 smaller parties around the ...

Misrata: the city battling for Libya | Spain | EL PAÍS English Edition
Fighting is intensifying in a nation divided in two, each with its own authority and army

Libya elections: Do any of the parties have a plan? - BBC News
Defaced posters, challenging songs and a bewildering number of political options face Libyans preparing to vote in their first elections in the post-Gaddafi...
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