Mohamed Yusuf Ali und Minister Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohamed Yusuf Ali)
(1 - 14 von 24

Economic Sector Informed on Exports Revenues in Past Six Months
[Sudan News Agency] up the procedure for establishing the Gold Refinery . The Economic Sector also reviewed a report presented by the Minister of Investment, Al-Saddiq Mohamed Ali, on the programme to implement the national plan for facilitating the economic work .

Somalia: Ein Land ohne Gesetze
[] - Erst vor wenigen Tagen hat Somalias Premier, Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, sein neues Kabinett vorgestellt: Mit seinen 18 Ministern soll der in den USA geborene Regierungschef die Geschäfte des Landes führen, ein Jahr lang. Allerdings: Kaum hatte er den Namen

New Cabinet Approved By the Parliament
[Middle East North Africa Financial Network] - Somali Prime Minister Abweli Mohamed Ali has addressed at the parliament meeting before vote cast. Ali said if his cabinet lineup approved, the new government will focus on the security and politics. He also said he will fight against the al Qaeda

Somali Lawmakers Approve New Cabinet
[Voice of America] - July 23, Somali Lawmakers Approve New Cabinet VOA News Somalia's parliament has approved the Cabinet chosen by newly-appointed Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali. Lawmakers voted Saturday 397 to 21 in favor of Ali's choices, which include 18