Mohammad El Haj Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohammad El Haj)


(1 - 4 von 13

Report: Iran hangs 2 men who made videos of post-election turmoil -...
Iran hanged two men Monday for their actions during post-election unrest in 2009, state media reported, months after the United States' secretary of state...

Ohne Druck in neuer Staffel |
Rödinghausen. Im Aufstiegsjahr konnte die Zweitvertretung des CVJM Rödinghausen in der Handball-Bezirksliga, Staffel 2, den dritten Tabellenplatz...

Behind al-Maliki's Tough Line - TIME
Iraq's Prime Minister is pushing back against Washington even as he's at loggerheads with key Sunni, Kurdish and Shi'ite leaders at home. How's he doing it?

Walid Mohammad Haj Mohammad Ali
Guantanamo Bay detainee file on Walid Mohammad Haj Mohammad Ali, US9SU DP, passed to the Telegraph by Wikileaks
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Vorname "Mohammad" (4516)
Name "el Haj" (46)
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