Mohammad Faiz und Islamic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohammad Faiz)
(1 - 4 von 5

IFN - Mohammad Faiz Azmi, Executive Chairman of PwC Malaysia and...
Title: The evolving world of Islamic accounting Faiz Azmi, the chair of the Islamic Finance Consultative Group of the International Accounting Standards Board...

Mohammad Faiz new Islamic Finance Consultative Group Chairman |...
Kuala Lumpur: The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has appointed Datuk Mohammad Faiz Azmi as chairman of the Islamic ...

MIF Monthly talks exclusively to Mohammad Faiz Azmi, partner and...
Would you explain your role as the global Islamic finance leader at PwC? As a global firm, PwC has many clients worldwide that do Islamic transactions but until
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Mohammad Faiz
Vorname "Mohammad" (4516)
Name "Faiz" (116)