Mohammed Atif Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohammed Atif)


(1 - 4 von 45
) Drohung: Al-Qaida will tote US-Soldaten durch die Straßen schleifen

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - Die USA versuchen mit ihrem Dauerbombardement in Afghanistan, das Taliban-Regime sturmreif zu schießen. Erstmals sprach Präsident Bush öffentlich vom Einsatz von Bodentruppen. Osama Bin Ladens Militärkommandeur kündigte an, tote Amerikaner durch die Straßen schleifen zu lassen. Meet The Bin Ladens: Osama's Road to Riches and … - DER SPIEGEL

The Bin Laden family disowned black sheep Osama in But have they really broken with the mega-…ist? Recently revealed classified documents seem to... September 11, Five Years Later: Atta's Army - SPIEGEL ONLINE

What motivated the suicide attackers of September 11? How did their group function? Who pulled the strings? Police records, accounts from onetime associates...

‘Homegrown …ist’ Mohammed Atif Siddique in ‘miscarriage of...

The student branded Scotland's “first homegrown …ist” was the victim of a miscarriage of justice, according to senior judges who say that they are now “minded” to overturn his most serious conviction. Mohammed Atif Siddique must wait until next month to learn if he will be retried for the offence under ...
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