Mohd Noriezuwadi Zul Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohd Noriezuwadi Zul)


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Fötus im Bauch: Junge (15) aus Malaysia wird ungeborener Zwilling...
Der Teenager klagt über starke Bauchschmerzen und kam ins Krankenhaus - was die Ärzte dann fanden, überraschte sie.

Teen has unborn twin removed from stomach after 15 years | Fox News
Since birth, a teenage boy in Malaysia has carried around the unborn fetus of his twin.

Boy has mutant unborn twin that was growing inside him for 15 years...
WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES. The youngster had been carrying the growing foetus since birth and it had apparently developed hair, legs, hands and genitals

Malaysian teenager lived with unborn twin inside him for 15 years |...
Mohd Zul Shahril Saidin underwent surgery after complaining of stomach pain.
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Name "Zul" (117)
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