Muhammad Asif Malik Person-Info 

( Ich bin Muhammad Asif Malik)


(1 - 4 von 36
) Moschee-Eröffnung in Ostberlin: Schrein des Anstoßes

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - Der erste Moschee-Neubau Ostdeutschlands steht - doch der Konflikt mit den Anwohnern ist längst noch nicht geklärt: Während die Ahmadiyya-Gemeinde in Berlin ihr Gebetshaus feierte, demonstrierten Hunderte Gegner. Sie fürchten die Islamisierung ihres Stadtteils. A Test of Tolerance: Doors Open at Eastern Germany's First Mosque -...

After two years of construction and recurrent protest from locals, Eastern Germany's first mosque celebrated its official opening in Berlin. Crowds of some

British family held in Turkey en route to Syria | The Times
A radical Islamist travelling with his wife and four young children has been arrested in Turkey after a tip-off from UK authorities

Thousands attend funeral prayers of martyred youth in IHK | Business ...
According to Kashmir Media Service (KMS), the youth identified as Muhammad Asif Malik was martyred by Indian troops during a pre-dawn ...
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