Muhammed Junaid Ahmed Person-Info 

( Ich bin Muhammed Junaid Ahmed)


(1 - 4 von 18

Three sisters and nine children ‘on way to join Isis’ | The Times
Three sisters and their nine children were reported missing last night amid fears that they were trying to reach Islamic State territory in Syria

Kocamustafapaşa’da Suriyeli bir kozmonot
Suriye’nin ilk ve tek astronotu 64 yaşındaki Muhammed Ahmed Faris, şimdi İstanbul Kocamustafapaşa’da 2 odalı bir evde, 6 nüfusla yaşıyor ’de uzayda 7 gün,...

Junaid Ahmed - The Express Tribune Blog
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Late Christmas gift: Muhammed returns to lead Kennedy
Kennedy's Muhammed Ahmed had 12 points and seven rebounds in his return for the Knights, who topped Gompers, Photo: Denis ...
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