Muhannad Al-Daghestani Person-Info 

( Ich bin Muhannad Al-Daghestani)


(1 - 4 von 18
) The Iraq Fiasco, : Life in Baghdad since the Fall of Saddam...

Five years after the US invasion, no one misses Saddam, but some Baghdadis are nostalgic for the relative freedom and stability they had before the Americans...

Taz: KRITIK VON AMNESTY: Menschenrechtler in Syrien verurteilt -

DAMASKUS | In Syrien ist der prominente Menschenrechtsanwalt Muhannad al-Hasni zu einer Haftstrafe von drei Jahren verurteilt worden.

Syrian youth find freedom in Parkour | Reuters
Leaping over bombed roofs and jumping through damaged window frames, a group of teenagers run and swing their way through buildings left dilapidated by six...

Man shoots male doctor for assisting his wife’s delivery in Saudi...
Shooter claims that woman gynecologist should have assisted in delivery
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Muhannad Al-Daghestani
Vorname "Muhannad" (70)
Name "al-Daghestani" (3)
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