Mustafa Abdel und National Council Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mustafa Abdel)
(1 - 11 von 16

Italy says needs convincing to open fire in Libya
[Reuters Africa] - Frattini said Mustafa Abdel Jalil, head of the rebel Provisional Transitional National Council, would be in Rome on Friday for a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. "If the Libyans give us strong arguments we will see, the government

Libyan Opposition Leader Plans Visits to Italy, France, Qatar
[Bloomberg] - By Maher Chmaytelli - Mon Apr :21:41 GMT Libyan opposition leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil said he plans next week to visit Italy, France and Qatar, the three nations that have recognized the Interim Transitional National Council as the legitimate

Libyan rebels lack charismatic figurehead
[Reuters Africa] - The revolutionary movement has set up a transitional national council headed by Mustafa Abdel Jalil and an "emergency crisis" team led by Mahmoud Jebril. But they and other senior officials keep a low profile and have barely spoken to media

Turkish FM meets Libyan rebel representative in Qatar for truce talks
[Trend News Agency] - The Foreign Ministry official said Turkey's former ambassador to Libya Omer Solendil is in Benghazi now and will meet Libyan opposition Mustafa Abdel Jalil, chairman of the opposition Interim Transitional National Council (ITNC), on Wednesday to