Nadim Khalaf Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nadim Khalaf)


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"Komm, sagte die Katze"
Volksschule Goldegg

Anche Medea piange Giorgio Albertazzi - Il Piccolo Trieste
MEDEA. Anche la comunità di Medea piange la scomparsa di Giorgio Albertazzi, classe 1923, considerato uno dei più grandi attori e registi di teatro che...

ARGEkultur Salzburg - "Mögen andere von ihrer Schuld sprechen, ich...
Veranstaltung am um 20:00 Uhr

College in tribute to ex-pupil | The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald
MARLBOROUGH College deputy head Bob Pick had to carry out one of the saddest duties of his career on Saturday when he gave an address at a memorial…
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