Nasser Issa und Israel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nasser Issa)
(1 - 13 von 21

BBC News - Israel warns of Hezbollah threat
Israel's president says Hezbollah has turned Lebanon into a

Neu im Kino - Der Zorn Gottes - Kultur -
Steven Spielberg hat die israelische Racheaktion für das Attentat bei den Olympischen Spielen in München verfilmt. Parallelen zum aktuellen

LEBANON: Israeli army says video shows Hezbollah blast site was...
... released a video it says shows Hezbollah fighters clearing munitions from the home of party member Abdel Nasser Issa in southern Lebanon ...

Report: Israel refusing to release senior Hamas prisoners
... "The prominent Hamas prisoners jailed in Israel, with Abbas al-Sayyad, Ibrahim Hamed, Abdel Nasser Issa, and Abdallah Barghouti figuring ...