Natalia Abrams Person-Info 

( Ich bin Natalia Abrams)


(1 - 4 von 37

Opinion: Deck is stacked against millennials - CNN
— “With almost a fourth of borrowers in default, we are creating a generation with nothing left to lose,” said Natalia Abrams, ... › opinion › segal-millennials-struggle

Devin Nunes attacks opponent Andrew Janz over student debt
“It's quite insulting to the millions of student loan borrowers in California,” said Natalia Abrams, the executive director of Student Debt Crisis, ...

Progressives warn inaction on student debt could ABC News
— Natalia Abrams, president of the Student Debt Crisis Center, a nonprofit focused on ending the student debt crisis, told ABC News that ... › story

Trump to offer exclusive contract to service U.S. student loans |...
President Donald Trump's administration will soon offer an exclusive contract that will give one company the right to service billions of dollars of...
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