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( Ich bin Nathan Appo)


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Guardian: AussieBum axes Indigenous-themed Australia Day underwear collection |...

The ‘disrespectful’ underwear line includes boomerangs, dot paintings and a stereotypical cartoon of an Indigenous man standing on one leg

AussieBum chief reacts to claims Australia Day undies are offensive...
AussieBum's chief executive says he was naive to the fact its Australia Day underwear featuring dot paintings, boomerangs and a cartoon depiction of a...

Taylor's dream teaming with idol Thurston
Ashley Taylor described playing alongside his teenage idol Johnathan Thurston as a 'dream come true' after the Indigenous All Stars' win in Newcastle.

Guardian: AussieBum's Australia Day underwear 'disrespectful' to Indigenous...

Critics say new line featuring boomerangs, dot paintings and cartoon of an Indigenous man standing on one leg is insulting
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