Nathan Huang Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nathan Huang)


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How members of the media view Sunday's Super Bowl UPI Archives
How members of the media view Sunday's Super Bowl game between the Denver Broncos and New York Giants:... : News : Hanna Barczyk's Illo for NYT: “Reset the Clock...
Hanna Barczyk's Illo for NYT: “Reset the Clock for Malpractice Suits”

Shockwave ideas/advice/methods | Forums | SideFX
Would it be possible to create stuff like this using volumes and colorizing in After Effects post-render? If not, any ideas on how I should get started? []. This is a sprite sheet of another shockwave that Nathan Huang used in his game VFX.

On the side of a road in Spain, 'my mood changed dramatically' | News...
Nathan Huang surprise party. Südhof's laboratory team held a surprise party for him when he returned to work Oct. 10 accompanied by his wife, ...
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