Neda Agha-Soltan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Neda Agha-Soltan)


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Google News: Dans l'enfer des geôles syriennes

[L'Express] - A l'instar du Tunisien Mohamed Bouazizi, de l'Egyptien Khaled Saïd ou de l'Iranienne Neda Agha-Soltan, il incarne post mortem la cruauté d'un régime exécré. Cynisme? Bachar el-Assad a reçu ses parents, tandis que le ministre de l'Intérieur ordonnait

Hillary acusa Irã de papel em repressão na Síria - Último Segundo
[iG] - Essas imagens nos recordaram as de uma jovem iraniana, morta na rua há dois anos e na frente de todos", completou, referindo-se a Neda Agha Soltan, cujos últimos momentos de vida foram gravados e divulgados na internet, tornou-se um poderoso símbolo

Where the Dead Are Considered Dangerous
[Wall Street Journal] - They were right: Today's Middle Eastern uprisings began when Neda Agha Soltan was shot to death in the streets of Tehran in the summer of She died with her eyes open as millions of people poured into the streets demanding change after rigged

Iranian opposition calls for more peaceful gatherings
[Payvand] - The Council's announcement mentions Neda Agha-Soltan and Sohrab Araabi, the young protesters who were shot to death on the streets of Tehran in the mass protests that followed the June election, in its list of martyrs. The council goes on to name
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