Nick Tennant Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nick Tennant)


(1 - 4 von 31
) Inszenierung Three Kingdoms: Babylonisches Kuddelmuddel

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Kultur] - Von Tallinn über München nach London. "Three Kingdoms" von Simon Stephens ist ein eindrucksvolles europäisches Theaterprojekt, zeigt aber vor allem eines: mit der Grenzenlosigkeit überforderte Protagonisten. 

London's sewer crisis: why the supersewer is a big, expensive answer...
It’s waste versus wheels as the supersewer stalls the cycle superhighway. What a dirty business, says Andrew Neather

Former MP for Pendle pays tribute to Ken, who made the › 1...
Nick Tennant, Ken's son, said that his dad was a great person and his early days were spent as a decorator. He said: “Whilst a trainee painter ...
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