Nicolas Defarge Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nicolas Defarge)


Tribunal gathers evidence of Monsanto´s ecocide -
The Monsanto Tribunal was held in the middle of October in The Hague. A panel of five prestigious judges listened to witnesses from all over the world....

L’Argentina è un laboratorio della Monsanto
Il biologo francese Nicolas Defarge, ha partecipato ad uno studio europeo sui gravi effetti provocati dal glifosato al fegato e ai reni. L’ effe...

No Scientific Consensus on Safety of GMOs
There is no scientific consensus on the safety of genetically modified foods according to a statement released from over 90 scientists, academics and physicians

RAGES - die Themen | testbiotech
In der ersten Hälfte bereiten Arbeitsgruppen verschiedene Themen auf.Die Ergebnisse sollen nach weiteren Diskussionen und sachlichen Prüfungen...
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