Nicole Richert Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nicole Richert)


(1 - 4 von 5

Hurricane Harvey: 'The church' is bigger than Osteen's building
— Nicole Richert, children's pastor at Fairfield Baptist Church northwest of Houston, saw Harvey refugees seeking shelter at a gas station. › news ›

In a storm, 'the church' is bigger than Joel Osteen's building
— Nicole Richert, children's pastor at Fairfield Baptist Church northwest of Houston, saw Harvey refugees seeking shelter at a gas station. › nation-now

Die Hausfrau – -
— Sprecherin: Klassische Hausfrauen wie Nicole Richert gibt es nicht mehr oft in Deutschland. Die meisten Frauen sind berufstätig. Mütter arbeiten ... › swr2 › wissen › die-hausfrau...

Our Long List of Hurricane Harvey Heroes | Houstonia Magazine
— Nicole Richert of Cypress, who took in 16 people and seven dogs that she found taking shelter at a Shell station… › h...
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