Nikola Bobchev Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nikola Bobchev)


Unique Donation from Inheritors of Prof. Stephan Bobchev
Stephan Bobchev – Anelia Yordanova, Nikola Bobchev and Konstantin Bobchev - to the Rector Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev. For the first time. › news › unique-donation-fr...

An Initiative for Cleaner Black Sea by Wind2Win Surfers
— Its founder, Nikola Bobchev, is one of the first to make detailed studies of the amount of waste at the mouth of the Ropotamo River. › ...

SZREDA organized its second stakeholders meeting
— Nikola Bobchev from Less Plastic Bulgaria who shared a broad overview over marine litter in Black Sea. SZREDA put effort on organizing the ... › ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Nikola Bobchev
Vorname "Nikola" (3544)
Name "Bobchev" (1)
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