Nikolay Tonev Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nikolay Tonev)


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Bulgaria - the melting pot of poverty and corruption | World | News |...
IT is a scene of utter desperation, reminiscent of the poorest shanty towns in Brazil, South Africa and India.

Glamorous premiere of the book "100 meetings with me"
Maxim Behar, Niki Kanchev and Yuliana Doncheva presented Prof. Lubomir Stoykov's new book 100 Meetings with Me. The three are the authors of the introductory...

Opening of Youth center – Galabovo
... Governor of Stara Zagora George Ranov and the Mayor of Galabovo Nikolay Tonev. Special guest at the event was the Bulgarian sports legend Yordan Yovchev ... › news › op...

Център за междуетнически диалог и толерантност Амалипе › ...
Център за междуетнически диалог и толерантност Амалипе
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