Norbert Kupper und European Newspaper Award Person-Info 

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Adevarul, un design modern si inovativ
— Norbert KUpper este fondatorul Office for Newspaper Design si coorganizator al competitiei European Newspaper Award-newspaper design&concept. › ... › Societate

Contact Norbert Küpper Office for Newspaper Design Gutenbergstr...
2 Press Release 15th European Newspaper Award: The principal prize winners from Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia and Germany. This year, the best newspapers in Europe come from Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, russia and Germany. All in all, 211 newspapers from 25 countries took part in the 15th European Newspaper Award.

“La Stampa” pluripremiata
AP — La giuria dell'European Newspaper Award, organizzato da Norbert Kupper, ci conforta, conferendoci ben tre riconoscimenti: due per «la carta ... › news › amp

Norbert Küpper: Die fünf Trends in der europäischen Zeitungsbranche
Zurück zum Wesentlichen: Für Norbert Küpper, Zeitungsdesigner und Gründer des European Newspaper Awards, sind reduzierte Gestaltungselemente und ein klares...