Norwegians Have Person-Info 

( Ich bin Norwegians Have)


(1 - 4 von 34
) Norwegian Openness: Attacks Reveal the Limits of Freedom - DER SPIEGEL

Norwegians have always been proud of their society's openness. But Friday's attacks have raised questions both about police readiness to respond and about the...

Norway Tops United Nations Quality-of-Life List |
Oh, come on, Norway. The competition isn't even fun anymore. For the eighth straight year, Norway has topped the United Nations' quality-of-life list in its...

Guardian: Norway, the country where you can see everyone's tax returns | Tax |...

Workers have been able to see what colleagues earn, and neighbours to check out next door’s pay, since the early 1800s

Why the Norwegians have the most fun royals in the world
If you're going to dedicate your life to duty, you might as well have fun while you’re at it.
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