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Small quakes continue to rattle East Bay cities – The Mercury News

· ... which began producing the swarm of quakes when a 0.8-magnitude rattler hit San Ramon on Oct. 13, USGS spokesman Ole Kaven said.

USGS calls quakes along Mendocino fracture zone 'typical' - Chronwww.chron.com › news › article › 6-5-quake-Mend...

· Ole Kaven, a research geophysicist with the USGS, says shakers of this size are normal...

Southern California residents brace for 'big one' after twin quakes,...

But it's certainly not a prelude to a large event on the San Andreas that could be even bigger," Ole Kaven, a geophysicist at the U.S. Geological ...

Fruktan för stor jordbävning ökar i Kalifornien - Expressenwww.expressen.se › nyheter › fruktan-for-stor-jordb...

· Men ett jordskalv på 4,6 i magnitud är högt med tanke på vad vi förväntar oss i det här området, säger Ole Kaven, seismolog på det ...
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