Ole Ohlendorf und Music Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ole Ohlendorf)
(1 - 23 von 25

THURSDAY – Landshut Short Film FestivalLandshuter Kurzfilmfestival

Ole Ohlendorf. MUSIC. Demian Martin. CAST. Anke Retzlaff, Jörg Witte, Volkram Zschiesche. About the director(s). Maja Bresink. Maja Bresink, born in ...

Time of Moulting - Media Luna

Music/Sounddesign Jonathan Rösch, Ole Ohlendorf. Original Title: Fellwechselzeit | Germany | Drama| 81'| German OV with English Subs | 1,85:1 | 2K. › programme

Fantasia : Time of Moulting en North American ...Mulderville

— Written and Directed by Sabrina Mertens Starring Freya Kreutzkam, Miriam Schiweck, Zelda Espenschied, Bernd Wolf Music by Ole Ohlendorf , ...