Oliver Ehmig und Colombia Person-Info 

( Ich bin Oliver Ehmig)
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globo: Manobra arriscadíssima deixa helicópteros separados por 1 metro |...

Um festival aéreo na Colômbia deixou os espectadores de boca aberta. Uma manobra arriscadíssima deixou dois helicópteros Black Hawks a um metro de...

Pictures of the Day: 26 April 2018

... Black Hawk helicopter's rotor blades creates pattern on the surface of the sea off the coast of Covenas, Colombia. Oliver Ehmig/ Solent News.

Fearless Belgian Malinois is strapped to elite air force troop ...Daily Mail

— Photographer Oliver Ehmig, from Colombia, captured the moments of calm.

Siara the Colombian Air Force dog skydives for search and rescue ...www.kidsnews.com.au › animals › news-story

· Photographer Oliver Ehmig said both dog and officer loved the experience. “At the end of the exercise both of them were euphoric*,” he said.