Oliver Rödel und Frogs Person-Info 

( Ich bin Oliver Rödel)
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World's largest frogs build their own ponds f | EurekAlert!

— Dr Mark-Oliver Rödel, project leader and president of Frogs & Friends, says: "The fact that we've only just discovered these behaviours ... › news-...

World's largest frogs build their own ponds for their young ...newsroom.taylorandfrancisgroup.com › ...

Dr Mark-Oliver Rödel, project leader and president of Frogs & Friends, says: “The fact that we've only just discovered these behaviours shows ...

World’s largest Frog Moves Heavy Rocks For Its Own Pond

Although Conraua goliath, the Goliath frogs of the rainforests of southwestern Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, have been known to herpetologists for many
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