Olivier Debes Person-Info 

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Spiegel.de: French Paratroopers Landing at TimbuktuSpiegel

— Foto: Olivier Debes/ AP. French paratroopers drop from a plane over Timbuktu airport as part of the Operation Serval in Mali in this picture ...

Mali FightingSt. Louis Post-Dispatch

... after rapidly forcing Islamists' retreat from major towns. (AP Photo/ ECPAD, Olivier Debes). Olivier Debes • French Army Communications ...

France's president to visit Mali, talk of troop levels and ...Fox News

— (AP Photo/ ECPAD, Olivier Debes) (The Associated Press). PARIS – President Francois Hollande says he'll suggest when France will reduce ...

NZZ: Die europäische Armee kommtNeue Zürcher Zeitung

— Frankreich merkte das beispielhaft beim Einsatz in Mali. Im Bild: französische Fallschirmspringer über Timbuktu. (Bild: Olivier Debes
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