Orlando Wright und Buddy Guy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Orlando Wright)
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ROCKTIMES - CD-Review / Buddy Guy – Live At Legends

Orlando Wright (bass - #2-8) Tim Austin (drums - #2-8) Tom Hambridge (background vocals - #5, tambourine - #5, drums - #9-11, percussion - #10)

Buddy Guy brings it to the JazzFest - News - Whirlwindwhirlwindusa.com › news › buddy-guy-brings-it-jaz...

It is an honor to have Buddy Guy, his guitar player Ric Jazz, and bass player Orlando Wright using our cords for many years now, as well as rely on ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Orlando Wright
Gary Wright
Vorname "Orlando" (1068)
Name "Wright" (2711)