Osama Jamal Person-Info 

( Ich bin Osama Jamal)


(1 - 4 von 7

Wichita man fights for nephew on death row in Iraq - Washington Times

Nearly 7,000 miles from Iraq, a Wichita man continues to fight for the life of his nephew, who awaits execution in a Baghdad prison.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iraq Palestinians taste bitter exile

Palestinians escaped the death squads of Iraq to face uncertain future in a deserted area on the Syria-Iraq boarder.

Greece tries to coax camped-out migrants into centers as tourist...

Keen to clear the decks for its lucrative summer tourist season, Greece is trying to clear thousands of migrants out of its biggest port where they are...

Ramadan TV: Your ultimate guide to the best of the month’s television...

Gather your friends and family around, it’s time for the latest and hottest series
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