Osama Jaradat Person-Info 

( Ich bin Osama Jaradat)


JICA to support training programs in Jordan | Al Bawaba

Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA would increase its support for training programs in Jordan, . Director General Sadako Ogato pledged on Wed

ARADO reviews administrative experiments | Panorama | Ammon News

· NIT Director Osama Jaradat said at the opening of the second meeting ,held at the institute, that NIT adopted for years available means to ...

Jordan holds training course in leadership for Sudanese nationals |...

Director of Jordan's National Institute for Training (NIT) Osama Jaradat opened on Sunday three training courses for Sudanese employees ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Osama Jaradat
Vorname "Osama" (701)
Name "Jaradat" (169)
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