Osama Selim Person-Info 

( Ich bin Osama Selim)


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Giza Zoo > Newswww.gizazoo-eg.com › News › Ne...

Dr. Osama Selim General organization of veterinary services chairman, Dr. Hassan Shafik vice GOVs chairman and Dr. Fatma Tammam ...

Egyptians claim Israeli goods cause disease, infertility

Osama Selim, the head of Egypt's veterinary authority, has called on the People's Assembly to press the local poultry growers' association to ...

NEWS SCAN: CDC on H5N1 clade, avian-flu prevention in ...

— Osama Selim, who heads the country's veterinary services, said the plan encourages poultry breeders to sell frozen poultry at a lower cost ... ›

Pulido Company for Food Industries expands in Africa, Arab ...

— Osama Selim, the chairperson of the company, said that his company is targeting regions in Africa over the upcoming period, including West ... › pulid...
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