Oscar Pistorius und Bbc Person-Info 

( Ich bin Oscar Pistorius)
(1 - 7 von 14

Spiegel.de: BBC-Dokumentation: Mordverdächtiger Pistorius ist "tieftraurig"

In einer BBC-Dokumentation über den Tod des Models Reeva Steenkamp kommen Freunde des unter Mordanklage stehenden Oscar Pistorius zu Wort. Sie ...

BBC News - Oscar Pistorius trial

Oscar Pistorius trial

Oscar Pistorius treated in hospital after 'slipping in cell' - BBC...

Oscar Pistorius is treated in hospital for wrist injuries but his brother says reports the jailed athlete hurt himself intentionally are

The making and unmaking of Oscar Pistorius - BBC News

How did one of the world's most successful sportsmen, an inspiration to millions, end up serving a prison sentence after killing his girlfriend?